Principles of Godly Character

Jun 30, 2024    Wade DeForest

Reputation is the kind of person people think you are, good or bad. 


Character is who you are when no one else is around. 


The Principles of Godly Character applies to all believers and transcends time. 


Two OT men exemplified godly character - Joseph - Genesis 39:2-5, 7-11 and

Daniel - Daniel 1:3-9.13-16 

First Principle of Godly Character - People of godly character refuse to compromise when pressure is placed on them to do so. 

Proverbs 4:25-27; Psalm 26:1 

Second Principle of Godly Character -  People of godly character live in a continual awareness of God’s presence.


Psalm 139:7-8; I Cor. 10:13; Isaiah 41:10,13; Hebrews 13:5 


Third Principle of Godly Character - People of godly character choose to obey God without consideration what it may cost them. The glory of God is what matters, not their personal comfort.  

Genesis 39:19 -20; Daniel 1:17-21; Daniel 3; Daniel 6; Daniel 2;2-28


Fourth Principle of Godly Character - People of godly character do not order their lives according to the dictates of man, but of God, as revealed in His Word. 

Acts 4:19-20; Acts 5:29; Hebrews 10:32-29


Fifth Principle of Godly Character - People of godly character refuse to take credit for anything that God chooses to do through them. They understand that they are recipients of God's mercy and grace and what He does through them is of His choosing, and not of their own making. 

Genesis 40:8-28; Genesis 41:39-44; Daniel 1:10; Daniel 2; Daniel 5; I Cor. 2:4-5; I Cor. 10:17; II Cor. 4:5; II Cor. 10:18 


Sixth Principle of Godly Character - People of godly character understand that what God chooses to do through their lives is always about more than themselves. They are blessed to bless others; positioned in places of influence to be used by God to help others. 

Genesis 42; Genesis 45:4-9; Daniel 3:48